Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12 of 12

As I'm sure everyone is thinking, I can't believe it's already July. But the heat in Phoenix is making it very real. Today was great because I was able to escape the 114 degrees in Arizona and head off to Michigan to see my parents. So here was my busy but much cooler day. You can head over to Chad's website to see what everyone else did today.

1:00 am Phoenix, AZ : We got to bed a bit late so I decided to start my pictorial day off at that time. So fast forward several hours to the next pic.

7:30 am Phoenix, AZ : Eggs for breakfast. They looked a little lonely so CD cut up some honeydew melon to eat as well.

10:00 am Phoenix, AZ : Waiting to board our flight to head of to the much cooler state of Michigan.

11:00 am Phoenix, AZ : Phoenix from the sky.

6:00 pm Chicago, IL : CD wanted to ask the flight attendant if we could stop by the sky mall on the way to Traverse City, MI but she didn't seem to have much of a sense of humor so he didn't ask.

6:15 pm between Chicago, IL and Traverse City, MI : CD found his next birthday present. Of course he wants it before hunting season.

8:00 pm Traverse City, MI : Leaving the airport. It was nice to see so much green.

8:20 pm between Traverse City, MI and Benzonia, MI : Driving south on 31 on the way to my parent's house.

9:00 pm Benzonia, MI : Arrived at the house.

9:15 pm Benzonia, MI : My wonderful mom had gluten free brownies waiting for me!

9:30 pm Benzonia, MI : The flowers outside of the house.

10:00 pm Benzonia, MI : I couldn't believe it but at 10 pm at night there was still a little bit of light left over from the sun.

Thanks for visiting. Check back next month to see what I'm up to.


  1. Nice 12 of 12... I bet it was a long day. It is very green an lovely here this summer. Funny, my 12 of 12 was taked just of 31 as well. lol
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yay for time visiting home - and on a 12 of 12 day too, so you get to show new places!

    Sorry I'm late commenting - busy week!
