Friday, October 12, 2007

October 12 of 12

Well, here it is. My first contribution to the 12 of 12 movement, a great photojournalism idea created by Chad Darnell. Visit his 12 of 12 and see what else people were doing all over the world today. This was my day today :o)

9:00 am - On the agenda for work today...typing. Lots and lots of typing reports. At least they are all clean cases so I can pop in a movie to keep me company while taking care of that stack of cases.

9:15 am - Cutting out daily crossword puzzles to send to my cousin who is in the Peace Corps in Paraguay. I do them online so I can send her the paper copies.

10:30 am - UPS came to deliver my new running shoes!!!! Unfortunately Mizuno is discontinuing them so I may have to buy a couple more pairs before I can't get them anymore :o(

2:30 pm - I finished typing my reports much sooner than I thought I would so now I'm going to start writing my weekly paper that is due tomorrow. If I can get it done today, that means I can have fun tomorrow!

4:15 pm - I finished my paper in time to start watching the Red Sox and Indians game. First game of the American League Championship. GO RED SOX!!!! Too bad they're already losing.

4:20 pm - Now it's tied 1-1. I have faith that my Red Sox will pull it off.

6:15 pm - Out running errands with M.R. Returning some purchases and looking for a couple Xmas presents. I know it is only October, but I like to start early.

6:30 pm - On to Toys R Us so M.R. can buy some toy tools for an art project.

7:00 pm - Time for dinner. Apparently they think that it is still warm enough to have the misters on. I disagree, it's under 80 degrees, so the cooling misters are definitely NOT needed.

8:45 pm - One of three lizards that live on the side of the wall right outside of my front door. They're usually waiting for me when I get home at night.

8:45 pm - The lizards hide behind this light during the day. If I come up the steps too quickly or loudly, they scamper in behind the light. I still haven't figured out how there is enough room behind the metal plate for three of them to live.

8:50 pm - Home in time to catch the rest of the Diamondbacks game. As I am posting this, they are tied 2-2 with the Rockies in the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, with a runner on 1st base. Oh, and my Red Sox won 10-3.

9:50 pm - Bonus picture "ORANGE". It's not very original but here is a home in the neighborhood being festive for Halloween. The lights are actually little pumpkins.


  1. K-RAY!!!!!!

    YAY for your new blog and a 12 of 12! You are ahead of the game already. Congrats on the Red Sox winning and for getting that report done early.


  2. I love the lizards! I had a giant striped spider that build a huge web by my front door and he/she used to greet me every night. My handyman nicknamed him "Boris". Nothing like a little critter to welcome you home!

  3. How nice you save the crosswords! Enjoy the running shoes :-)

    Helen, 12 of 12er, Devon

  4. Nice pics! OMG! I would FREAK at the lizards!!!!
