Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12 of 12

Here's the installment, December 12 of 12. Head over to Chad Darnell's website to check out what everyone else was up to today. I was in Las Vegas for work today (again). Normally I stay far, far, far away from the strip but for interests sake, I decided to take a walk tonight to see if I could come up with some good pictures. So here is Christmas time a la Las Vegas.

7:30 pm - Las Vegas. The Bellagio.

7:35 pm - Las Vegas. The fountains of Bellagio. If you ever come to LV, make sure you catch a few of these shows. They set the fountains to music and run different ones all day.

7:35 pm - Las Vegas. The fountains of Bellagio.

7:45 pm - Las Vegas. The Conservatory at the Bellagio. They put up seasonal displays here, and they're always very impressive. Another thing to check out. The reindeer are covered in whole nuts in their shells!

7:45 pm - Las Vegas. The Conservatory at the Bellagio. This sign is made completely of pine boughs and flowers.

7:50 pm - Las Vegas. The Conservatory at the Bellagio. A BIG Christmas tree.

7:50 pm - Las Vegas. The Conservatory at the Bellagio. Massive Christmas ornaments!

7:55 pm - Las Vegas. The Conservatory at the Bellagio. Animated penguins. The one on the ladder was putting the star on the tree. Very cute.

8:00 pm - Las Vegas. This is the scene behind the registration desk at the Bellagio.

8:05 pm - Las Vegas. This is the ceiling in the hotel lobby of the Bellagio. All those flowers are made of glass.

8:20 pm - Las Vegas. The "streets of Venice". This is inside the Venetian. You can even take rides in the gondolas.

8:40 pm - Las Vegas. Wynn Casino. I was a bit disappointed with the decorations at the Wynn but I thought that this was kind of neat.

So there it is. My evening in Las Vegas.

Monday, November 12, 2007

November 12 of 12

November - My second installment of the 12 of 12, an idea created by Chad Darnell.
Jump over to his website to see what everyone else did today.

8:46 am - Since it was a holiday for me today, I got a late start after staying up way too late last night.

10:15 am - First order of business on my agenda, let Luis, my trainer, torture me for an hour.

11:45 am - Upon getting home from training, much to my delight, it was only 70 degrees outside. I hope we're done with the 90 degree days for the year.

12:15 pm - Bonus Picture "Grateful". I am grateful to all of the men and women who serve in the military and protect our freedom, especially my personal friends, of which three just got back from Iraq.

4:45 pm - After doing a whole lot of nothing this afternoon, I met a friend at Dave & Buster's for an early dinner.

6:00 pm - Walking around Tempe Marketplace

6:30 pm - Then a stop at Borders on Mill Avenue

6:30 pm - Tempe doesn't waste anytime getting their holiday light up

7:15 pm - Parking at the airport. Mental note to myself to remember where I parked.

7:15 pm - Another reminder to myself, it's Garage B, not Garage A

7:20 pm - Waiting for the shuttle bus to get to the terminal

8:00 pm - My first stab at Southwest's new boarding procedure. I don't really know what A32 means, but in the past, A=good.

8:45 pm - Waiting for my flight at the airport (my second home) which should start boarding around 9 pm.

Friday, October 12, 2007

October 12 of 12

Well, here it is. My first contribution to the 12 of 12 movement, a great photojournalism idea created by Chad Darnell. Visit his 12 of 12 and see what else people were doing all over the world today. This was my day today :o)

9:00 am - On the agenda for work today...typing. Lots and lots of typing reports. At least they are all clean cases so I can pop in a movie to keep me company while taking care of that stack of cases.

9:15 am - Cutting out daily crossword puzzles to send to my cousin who is in the Peace Corps in Paraguay. I do them online so I can send her the paper copies.

10:30 am - UPS came to deliver my new running shoes!!!! Unfortunately Mizuno is discontinuing them so I may have to buy a couple more pairs before I can't get them anymore :o(

2:30 pm - I finished typing my reports much sooner than I thought I would so now I'm going to start writing my weekly paper that is due tomorrow. If I can get it done today, that means I can have fun tomorrow!

4:15 pm - I finished my paper in time to start watching the Red Sox and Indians game. First game of the American League Championship. GO RED SOX!!!! Too bad they're already losing.

4:20 pm - Now it's tied 1-1. I have faith that my Red Sox will pull it off.

6:15 pm - Out running errands with M.R. Returning some purchases and looking for a couple Xmas presents. I know it is only October, but I like to start early.

6:30 pm - On to Toys R Us so M.R. can buy some toy tools for an art project.

7:00 pm - Time for dinner. Apparently they think that it is still warm enough to have the misters on. I disagree, it's under 80 degrees, so the cooling misters are definitely NOT needed.

8:45 pm - One of three lizards that live on the side of the wall right outside of my front door. They're usually waiting for me when I get home at night.

8:45 pm - The lizards hide behind this light during the day. If I come up the steps too quickly or loudly, they scamper in behind the light. I still haven't figured out how there is enough room behind the metal plate for three of them to live.

8:50 pm - Home in time to catch the rest of the Diamondbacks game. As I am posting this, they are tied 2-2 with the Rockies in the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, with a runner on 1st base. Oh, and my Red Sox won 10-3.

9:50 pm - Bonus picture "ORANGE". It's not very original but here is a home in the neighborhood being festive for Halloween. The lights are actually little pumpkins.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

2nd Try!

My first attempt at adding a picture to my blog...

This would be my government car after a large delivery truck decided to act like a pinball and use my car as a pinball bumper. Fortunately, I walked away with just some scrapes, cuts, bruises, strained muscles, and whiplash.

1st Try!

So I've never blogged before but my friend in Spain has inspired me with her blog. Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to do a posting. I'm planning on joining the 12 of 12 movement, originally started by Chad Darnell.