Last month I forgot about taking pictures on the 12th, so I got smart and put it on the calendar for June. Therefore, Outlook informed me several times yesterday and today that it was time for 12 of 12. I have to warn you that today was not very interesting, just a typical day of work. Thanks to Chad for the idea. Check out his website to see what everyone else was up to today.
7:00 am Mesa, AZ: I'm trying to get back to eating healthy so for breakfast it was a rice cake with peanut butter and cantalope.
8:57 am Phoenix, AZ: I finally reached my first stop way up at Greenway and I-17, which is really far from where I live.
10:15 am Paradise Valley, AZ: Next stop, Paradise Valley Police Department and Municipal court where I discovered that they are not nearly as cooperative as some other departments I deal with regularly.
11:30 am Phoenix, AZ: The dreaded light rail construction on Central Avenue. I was on my way to get a sandwich from one of my favorite places, Pane Bianco (and to visit my friend who works there).
12:15 pm Phoenix, AZ: After a delicious tomato, basil and (fresh homemade) mozzarella sandwich, I headed to the Phoenix municipal building to do some more police checks.
2:30 pm Mesa, AZ: Back home after making all my stops. Took a few minutes to check out the news. Looks like you have to pay for everything on US Airways now, and most airlines you have to pay to check your first bag now (ugh).
2:35 pm Mesa, AZ: Checking on dinner. It had been cooking since the morning and smelled sooooo good when I got home. Tasted really good too.
3:15 pm Mesa, AZ: Went out to check my mail. I really like the trees we have around our condos, helps keep the sun out during the day.
3:15 pm Mesa, AZ: Look longingly at the pool while I went to check the mail. Hopefully I'll be able to spend some time in the sun this weekend.
3:15 pm Mesa, AZ: Nothing exciting in the mail, just a mortgage bill and something asking me to renew my subscription to Glamour even though I got rid of it about four years ago.
3:15 pm Mesa, AZ: Nothing exciting in the mail, just a mortgage bill and something asking me to renew my subscription to Glamour even though I got rid of it about four years ago.
6:00 pm Mesa, AZ: I haven't had to put together a resume in about seven years so I figured it couldn't hurt to get some help!
6:30 pm Mesa, AZ: Just now relaxing and watching some basketball before I have to do school work.
So that's it. Hopefully my day next month will be a bit more interesting. Hope you all had a good 12th.
6:30 pm Mesa, AZ: Just now relaxing and watching some basketball before I have to do school work.
So that's it. Hopefully my day next month will be a bit more interesting. Hope you all had a good 12th.